After 25 years in operation, it's time to close up shop and move on to other adventures. Thanks to all the loyal customers over the years that helped to make this all possible. The web site will remain live.
We have a limited stock of items such as steering and driveshaft spacers, Bilstein shocks available. Let us know what item(s) you're looking for, where and how you'll want them shipped to and we'll get back to you with a shipping quote and purchase information:
4Crawler Offroad contact link | MissingLinkZ contact link |
(Contact Missing LinkZ if interested in more information on any of these items)
After 25 years in operation, it's time to close up shop and move on to other adventures. Thanks to all the loyal customers over the years that helped to make this all possible. The web site will remain live.
You can always order each item separately and then let us know if you want them combined into one shipment, if possible and we'll do that and refund any exccess postage. But you need to tell us since some customers like to have things shipped separately as there are a few advantages. For example if you order 3 items, if we ship together we'll need to wait until all 3 items are ready to ship before we can send anything. Also, for international customers, if you had 4 orders for $50/ea. and shipped them separately, there may be no customs fees due since the value is below the minimum assessment value, while a single order of $200 might be assessed taxes and fees. So please let us know your preferences for shipping multiple item orders.
We have a limited stock of items such as steering and driveshaft spacers, Bilstein shocks available. Let us know what item(s) you're looking for, where and how you'll want them shipped to and we'll get back to you with a shipping quote and purchase information:
4Crawler Offroad contact link | MissingLinkZ contact link |
Visitor # 198857 since 21.MAR.2002
[Last updated: 27.February.2024]