4Crawler Offroad Products

4Crawler Offroad Products

Specializing in hard to find and custom parts for off-road (and other) vehicles

a division of Visual Diagnostics LLC

>>> Click here for a graphical product line listing <<<

4Crawler Offroad Product Offerings:

Our default shipping method is USPS mail and default payment option is Paypal. If you wish to use a different shipping or payment method, please contact us prior to ordering. Let us know the item(s) you want, where and how you'll want them shipped to and we'll get back to you with a shipping quote and purchase information:

4Crawler Offroad contact link MissingLinkZ contact link

UK NOTE: Beginning 01.Jan.2021, we'll no longer be able to accept orders shipping to the UK via our on-line order system due to the VAT requirements. Click here for alternate ordering options.

You can check the USPS shipping suspension page for world-wide shipping status.

Contact Information:

4Crawler Offroad specializes in those hard to find parts that you won't find included with the major upgrade parts you can get from the big mail order and on-line suppliers. For example, many, many places sell springs and shocks to lift your truck. But after you put on the springs and shocks, you may find that you need shims to correct the pinion angles on leaf-sprung trucks, or you need a panhard bracket on a coil-sprung truck or a bracket for the brake proportioning (LSPV) valve. Or you may need a little more lift on the front or rear end of the truck after installing the basic spring/shock lift kit. Or you may need a little more lift to clear a larger set of tires, etc. So that is where 4Crawler Offroad can "come to the rescue", we make all those other parts you need to finish off your lift and make it all work like it should. And we also realize that some folks might inherit a vehicle with a lift and want to restore it to stock, so we can even help out there with body lift removal kits, etc.

4Crawler Offroad
PO Box 61092
Sunnyvale, CA. 94088
E-mail : Sales@4Crawler.com
FAX: +01.772.264.8458
Phone number available by request

And please, Please, PLEASE be sure to include a valid Reply-To address in your e-mail if you expect to receive a reply. Several times a week, 4Crawler Offroad receives question by e-mail and the replies are returned as undeliverable due to countless e-mail delivery errors. So if you send a question and do not hear back in a reasonable amount of time, feel free to re-send the question, but be sure to double-check that there is a valid "Reply-To" address in the e-mail header or in the body of the message. And if the direct e-mail link above does not work, cut and past "Sales@4Crawler.com" into your e-mail program "To:" field and send a message that way.

Phone number available by request. 4Crawler Offroad has chosen to leverage the power of the Internet to handle most of our routine customer interactions. As such, we have no "brick and mortar" store front and we don't have a huge staff of folks sitting around awaiting your phone call. So, we don't put the number on the web site because we are barraged with e-mail requests (literally 24/7) for the most obscure questions, information and products. If we got even 10% of those contacts as phone calls, we would be spending all our time on the phone with folks asking for custom parts for a '51 Ford show truck or droning on and on with questions on how to get their 4Runner or pickup engine running or what sort of mods they are dreaming of making to their newly purchased rig or whatever, instead of making parts to fill orders for actual customers, like you! And, we could hire an answering service to handle the phone calls. But realize that this would just be a person to take orders, they would have no technical knowledge to answer your questions (that customers always seem to ask), so this is really not a satisfactory option in our estimation. We would also need to raise our pricing to cover the fixed costs of the answering service. But, we do realize some folks do like to ask questions or place an order over the phone, so if that applies to you, just ask and we'll send you our complete contact information.

NOTE: Due to high order volume and supply chain issues, it may take some time for deliveries, production and shipments to catch up. Order backlog could be up to 8 weeks.

Want to order multiple items?

No problem, you can use this simple one-click ordering buttons below. Just select a Buy Now button below with the shipping applicable to the items you are ordering, tell us what parts you want and how much they cost and your payment/shipping information and that is all that is needed.

  1. All 4Crawler Offroad products are FOB seller/origin.
  2. Add up the cost of each item you want included in your order (excluding postage):
    1. Typical kit contents and totals are listed in the tables above
    2. Add 9.0% sales tax for shipments to a California address:
      1. Automatically added if using the Buy Now buttons below
      2. If you live outside of California, no sales tax applies
    3. For US addresses, add $16.00 for uninsured or $18.00 for insured Priority Mail shipping, for a total
      1. Or use one of the two "Buy Now" buttons below for pre-computed shipping
      2. 3 day typical Priority Mail delivery time
    4. International shipping options; also supply a local phone number for customs paperwork.
      1. US Mail shipping to Canada/Mexico: US$59.95 for all the above kits
      2. US Priority Mail shipping to Europe/Central and South America: US$91.95 for most items
      3. US Priority Mail shipping to Asia/Australia/New Zealand: US$99.95 for most items
      4. For total weight up to 20 pounds
      5. Typical shipping time is 6-10 days
      6. 20 lb. weight limit on the above international shipments.
        1. For smaller items, under 4 lbs. and that will fit in a letter size flat rate envelope, international postage runs US$40.00.
        2. While many items fit this 4 lb. weight limitation, they generally can't be combined as that will push the weight over the limit. Examples are ball joint spacers (3 lbs.), Diff Drop Kit (2.5 lbs.), Panhard Drop Brkt. (3 lbs.), etc. So no way to combine those sorts of parts into the flat rate envelope, only option is the 20 lb. limit flat rate box,
          1. Note that the flat rate box shipping option does offer better package tracking than the envelope, as noted. So if that is a consideration, you might want to opt for the flat rate box shipping option.
          2. One other consideration on shipping multiple items is for customs/duty fees at the destination country. If you have two packages worth say US$50/ea. the customs/duty fees may be much less than for one package with a US$100 value.
      7. Shipping insurance available by special request.
      8. Currency conversion
  3. Specify the vehicle details if applicable
  4. Or order all the items separately and we'll be happy to combine the shipping (if desired) and ship in one package and refund any excess postage.
    1. May or may not be possible in all cases due to size and/or weight limitations, but we'll do our best.
  5. Shipping options below do not apply to Rock SliderZ kit orders as they have their own shipping options
  6. Questions?

And you can always order each item separately and then let us know if you want them combined into one shipment, if possible and we'll do that and refund any excess postage. But you need to tell us since some customers like to have things shipped separately as there are a few advantages. For example if you order 3 items, if we ship together we'll need to wait until all 3 items are ready to ship before we can send anything. Also, for international customers, if you had 4 orders for $50/ea. and shipped them separately, there may be no customs fees due since the value is below the minimum assessment value, while a single order of $200 might be assessed taxes and fees. So please let us know your preferences for shipping multiple item orders.

Ordering/payment options below:

  • Whatever ordering option you use, please be sure to DOUBLE CHECK YOUR SHIPPING ADDRESS prior to submitting the order.
    • Orders will be shipped to the address you specify, if that address is incorrect, your order may be delayed
    • Returned orders will be reshipped at your expense.
    • We'll try to correct the address if you send it to us, but we do get SO MANY orders with incorrect addresses it is hard to keep track of which is which, so your best shot is to give us your correct address to begin with.

Our default shipping method is USPS mail and default payment option is Paypal. If you wish to use a different shipping or payment method, please contact us prior to ordering. Let us know the item(s) you want, where and how you'll want them shipped to and we'll get back to you with a shipping quote and purchase information:

4Crawler Offroad contact link MissingLinkZ contact link

UK NOTE: Beginning 01.Jan.2021, we'll no longer be able to accept orders shipping to the UK via our on-line order system due to the VAT requirements. Click here for alternate ordering options.

You can check the USPS shipping suspension page for world-wide shipping status.

For Paypal, use the order buttons below:

Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now
Purchase w/ small US shipping
- Adds US$9.25 shipping automatically
- For shims, small brackets, etc. that
- fit in a small envelope
Purchase w/ uninsured US shipping
- Adds US$16.00 shipping automatically
- For body lifts, etc.
Purchase w/ insured US shipping
- Adds US$18.00 shipping automatically
- For body lifts, etc.
Purchase w/ other shipping option
- Add custom shipping cost to order total

Click here for an order form tutorial

  • In the Payment For/Item field, enter the vehicle and item(s) desired:
    • Multiple items can be listed as follows:
      • Item #1 AND Item #2 AND ... or Items 1"2"...
    • In the Price field, enter the parts total for the parts, including shipping if using the custom shipping button.
      • For example if Item #1 is $100 and Item #2 is $50, enter $150 for the parts total
    • You can log into an existing Paypal account or enter your credit card information if you don't have or want to use a Paypal account
    • In the Note To Seller / Special Instructions field, on the follow up screen, enter any specific options you want in the order
      • Paypal apparently has removed this option from some mobile platforms, so if you don't see that link, that's why.
  • Via PayPal:
    • https://www.paypal.com/
      • Login, select: Send Money
      • Recipient = sales@4Crawler.com
        • Hint: Cut and paste this into the Recipient field
      • Enter Amount:
        • Be sure to include shipping and applicable sales tax in the total
      • Select Funds Source (e.g. checking account, credit or debit card)
        • Using an e-check results in a 3-4 day delay (US) or 7-9 day (international) for the funds to clear Paypal
      • For Transaction Type, select: Goods, Non-Auction
      • Enter Subject/Note describing items desired
      • In the Note To Seller field, enter any specific options you want in the order
      • Check for correct shipping address and hit the "Send" button
        • If in doubt on the address, (or you want to use a different address) please include the address you want to use in the "NOTE TO SELLER" field when given the option above.
        • Double check the shipping address before hitting the "Send" button
      • Notes:
        • Company name will show up as "Visual Diagnostics/4Crawler Offroad"
        • Feel free to e-mail 4Crawler Offroad to let us know you issued the payment, although we automatically get an e-mail notification to this effect.
        • If you prefer, 4Crawler Offroad can issue a PayPal funds request/invoice as well
        • You should receive a confirmation e-mail from Paypal if the transaction was successful.
    • If you don't have a Paypal account, its easy to set one up using the link above, enter your name/address/e-mail and account info.
  • Credit/Debit Cards via fax/mail/e-mail: FAX:+01.772.264.8458 or +1.408.564.0801
    • Supply the following information:
      • Name
      • Billing/Shipping address
      • Phone # and e-mail address
      • Credit Card number
      • Expiration Date
      • And the 3 or 4 digit security code on the back (or front) side of the card
  • Via mail; certified check/money order (US funds) payable to:
  • Via USPS-COD (Collect On Delivery - US only) there is an additional charge for USPS-COD, typically $12.00 (varies with order total)
  • Oldskool Forum, Military and Shop Discount:
    • 4Crawler Offroad is now offering a 10% discount program for all our products for members of any on-line web forum (4x4wire.com, YotaTech.com, Toyota120.com, FJCruiserForums.com, etc. or anyone in active military duty or a shop or dealer purchasing parts.
    • Since our on-line ordering system can't handle this discount, in order to take advantage of the discount, you MUST write up the parts you want to order on the discount order form (or request the discount on-line order form, link below), total up the parts and subtract 10% (or multiply by 0.9 if that works better for you) and add applicable sales tax (for California orders) and shipping (as noted above - shipping cost not discounted) and add your affiliation information (forum and user name, military branch or shop information), e-mail and postal addresses (where you want the parts shipped to) and mail that along with a money order or certified check as noted above.
      • Personal checks (US funds only) will be acceptable for forum discounts, although we will make sure the checks clear prior to starting the order and if the check bounces, we'll send the check to collections and will also publicize the information.
    • For example, if the parts you want total $100.00, the discounted price is $90.00. Then add applicable state sales tax and shipping for a total.
    • Only mailed in (a.k.a. envelope and stamp), will-call orders, or the special on-line orders (below), will be afforded the discount, at this time. No exceptions, except for the on-line discount order procedure described below.
      • To qualify forum discounts, we reserve the right to log into the specified forum and search for at least one post by the user name supplied and also to browse that user's profile and check that the location and vehicle information are present and correspond to the order. We feel that this information should be filled out by all forum users so that others can know where you are and what you drive, in case you forget to put that information in some future post asking for help or information.
    • Feel free to drop us an e-mail to let us know to expect your order.
    • If you run a shop or retail outlet and would like to take advantage of this discount, no problem, just add your business name in place of the forum information.
    • And if you run a business in California and would like to resell our products, download and submit a copy of a California Resale Certificate to us by mail, e-mail or fax (see above for contact information). For on-line orders, contact us to request the on-line discount order form
      • If the above e-mail link doesn't work for you, send an e-mail to forum@4Crawler.com and ask for the on-line discount order form.
    • Only one discount of 10% applies at this time, there are no multiple discounts for multiple affiliations.
    • Again, you MUST follow the instructions given on one of the above order forms to the letter.
      • Any deviation will result in no discount for your order and we'll either bill you for the difference or cancel the order (so you can re-submit it) as you prefer.
    • You can't make use of any of the "Buy Now" buttons or order links on the web site to take advantage of this discount.
      • We can't send you an invoice to qualify for this discount.
    • Bottom line is if you want to make use of the discount ordering process, either follow the above steps or contact us for other options BEFORE you place an order on the web site, not AFTER!
    • Sorry but that is the way it is.
  • Alternate on-line payment options:
    • Zelle payment option
      • You should be able to use this address with ClearXchange, ZellePay, Chase QuickPay, etc.
      • ClearXchange / ZellePay works with a number of major banks like Bank of Amaerica, Chase, Citi, Captal One, etc.
      • If you have a checking or savings account and any supported bank, you can easily set up ZellePay
    • Venmo payment option
    • Google Pay payment option
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Portable Winch Cradle:

Having a winch is one thing, but where to mount it is another. Most folks permanently mount it on the front bumper, but what if you need to winch backwards, or what if another vehicle needs a winch and you can't maneuver your truck and winch into position? Having a portable winch mount is one solution. By using a standard 2" hitch receiver to attach the winch to the bumper, front or rear, makes it portable.

Winch Cradle - Rear view Winch Cradle - Front view Winch Cradle - In Use
A: Rear View B: Front View C: In Use

Shown above is a custom built winch cradle for a Ramsey REP8000 winch, cradles to fit other makes and models are also available. The cradle features a center receiver tube for conventional receiver installation. The 2" receiver is removable and can be drilled for both standard and deep receiver pins. A pair of 1" thick shackle tabs are welded to the bottom (one shackle shown attached in picture A) for use as additional bracing for side pulls or for use to strap the winch to a rock or tree for vehicle-free winching. In picture B, a roller fair-lead mount is set up for easy 2 bolt removal for easy storage. The heavy 1" square tube handles fully enclose the winch volume to protect it in storage. Also shown in pictures B and C is the quick disconnect power plug, which can be set up in a number of ways. If mating connectors are installed on the vehicle, the winch can be plugged in for power. On another vehicle, a short quick connect jumper cable connection can be made. The winch can even be powered for a short time off a small battery pack or a battery pulled from another vehicle, as shown in C. This can be a lifesaver if you need a winch uphill from a vehicle that might possibly roll down hill. Strap the portable winch to a tree (with a tree saver strap), then pull the cable tight with a portable battery pack and power it in or out to keep the cable tight as the vehicle is winched back onto the road.

The cradle and winch above was set up for a rig that already had a hard mounted front winch. The owner had the second winch and wanted something he could use for winching off the rear bumper or for use on rigs in the group without their own winches.

Portable winch cradles start at $200.00 for the basic cradle and $25.00 for the receiver tube (winch not included:). Contact 4Crawler Offroad to discuss your requirements.

Other custom hitch receiver and winch accessories are also available. Examples are custom, extra long recovery shackle receivers (for use with deep receiver pin holes), hitch receiver extensions, hawse fair-leads for winches w/ the UHMW poly rope, etc. If you can think it up, 4Crawler Offroad may be able to make it, contact us with your requirements.

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Used Parts:

Nothing available at this time.
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Dead Beats:

Thank the following folks for no more personal checks, they have all bounced checks with 4Crawler Offroad:

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